Friday, June 29, 2007
Jillian swimming in her Texas Temporary Home!!
Jillian and I got to Texas yesterday! We are here to get a few things for the new house! We are staying at the Homewood Suites. They are so nice. The rooms have a kitchen, dining area, living area, bedroom, and seperate bath! It is like a mini apartment. They feed you a full breakfast and full dinner! It is wonderful! I have questioned the fact of even living in a house. At least here, you have a maid cleaning everything up! Today, we had a fun-filled day at the pool! Jillian loved every minute. Tomorrow we are heading to "Nanna's" house! (Jillian calls Sandi Nanna!) We are going to swim at her house for the weekend. Maybe even catch some fireworks!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Baby Hattie and Jillian
We stopped by Crystal and Damon's house on Sunday. We had to see baby Hattie! She is so adorable! She was eight days old and the sweetest thing! Jillian of course was the first to hold her! Jillian, the ham, was asking me to take pictures of her and Hattie! We are going to have to get some matching Razorback cheerleading outfits for the two of them! We also found out that Mary Ellen is pregnant! Hopefully she will have a girl! We might just have our own little Razorback squad!

Saturday, June 23, 2007
Pictures from the Bahamas Trip
I finally figured out how to download my pictures from the camera to Dad's computer! They are not the best pictures. Lowe's hired two professional photographers to take pictures while we were there! They are making cd's and sending us all the pictures they took there. That should come in the mail shortly and I will upload all of those. I don't have any pictures of me and the sharks. I am going to load one of the big shark before I caught it!
The trip was amazing and all we had to do was ask and whatever we wanted was provided for us! I ended up getting a Hendrick Marine hat. I think there are less than 50 of those hats floating around! I hope you enjoy the pictures!

This is a picture of Andrew and me in front of the Lowe's jet!

Andrew wanted to look like he was big-time!

This is a picture of Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s jet. His hanger is right across from the Lowe's hanger. I wanted to stand in front of it, but planes were taking off.

This is a picture of the beach frm our room! it looks like something out of a magazine!

This is a picture of the big shark before I caught it. We were throwing out squid to get it up to the boat!

This is Doug, the Captain, and me after I caught the shark! He was so much fun! I was wiping my nose and sweat on his shirt because I had no sleeves! He was getting on to me about doing that!

This is the brand new Hendrick fishing boat. Her name is "Reel Wheels". I thouhgt it was fitting. Mr. H has never seen the boat!

When we went snorkeling, there was an island that had huge starfish.

This is the last picture I took before we left the island! It isn't the best, but we were sad to go!
The trip was amazing and all we had to do was ask and whatever we wanted was provided for us! I ended up getting a Hendrick Marine hat. I think there are less than 50 of those hats floating around! I hope you enjoy the pictures!
This is a picture of Andrew and me in front of the Lowe's jet!
Andrew wanted to look like he was big-time!
This is a picture of Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s jet. His hanger is right across from the Lowe's hanger. I wanted to stand in front of it, but planes were taking off.
This is a picture of the beach frm our room! it looks like something out of a magazine!
This is a picture of the big shark before I caught it. We were throwing out squid to get it up to the boat!
This is Doug, the Captain, and me after I caught the shark! He was so much fun! I was wiping my nose and sweat on his shirt because I had no sleeves! He was getting on to me about doing that!
This is the brand new Hendrick fishing boat. Her name is "Reel Wheels". I thouhgt it was fitting. Mr. H has never seen the boat!
When we went snorkeling, there was an island that had huge starfish.
This is the last picture I took before we left the island! It isn't the best, but we were sad to go!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Bridal Pictures!
So... here they are!! Let me tell you! I would get married everyday of my life if I knew I could do this all the time! I loved it! We had so much fun. Mom and Amanda were troopers! They really stepped up and helped with all of the duties! I was burning up! It was 90 degrees that day! I love every on of the pictures! I dont know which one to pick! I have 2 favorites. I am going to post my 2 favorites and then you all need to make a comment on my blog about which of the two I should get. I am getting a 16x20 for the reception. Please help quick. I have to choose by Sunday! I am also posting a link to all of the bridals she took of me! Like I said, if anyone is looking for a photographer, she is worth it! She is also sooo much fun to work with!

Engagement Pictures!
So... here they are! I am going to post a few of my favorites. Please check out the address to see them all! Also, If anyone is looking for a good photographer. I have a great one! Her phone number is on the proof pages!

Friday at the Lake with Papaw!
Okay, so I am having technical difficulties with the pictures from the Bahamas. I cannot get the pictures from my camera to the computer at Dad's house. So, I am going ahead and posting pictures from the lake. Dad took Andrew, Jillian, and me to Lake Norfork in Mountain Home. We had lots of fun and got a chance to relax. Maybe I will post some more if we go tomorrow. The only reason I can post these is because it is from Dad's camera!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The "Great" Trip
Well, we flew in on the corporate jet! It was wonderful. Then we got on Rick Hendrick's $42 million yacht! It is beautiful. Then yesterday just me, Andrew wouldn't go, went on Mr. H's 1 day old $14 million fishing boat! It was great. And..... I CAUGHT A SHARK!!!!! I was the only one on tha boat that caught anything! It took me 45 minutes to get it to the boat. I am so sore! I have talked Andrew into going fishing today! I can't wait. Maybe I will catch a tuna! I couldn't load any pictures, but we will be back soon!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Hot Springs Village Shower
This Shower was on Sunday, June 10th. We had it at Security Title. April, Judy, Adrienne, and the two Amber's gave me the shower. It was wonderful. With all my presents, they finished out my everyday dinnerware and almost finished the entire collection for the Wilton Armetale design I had picked! We are so thankful for all of the presents we received. We cannot wait to get to Texas and have a home for all of our new things. One picture is of Jillian singing "The Stars at Night" song we changed! Also, my sister, Judy, made us a shadow box that included our announcement and a picture of us. She is not done with it yet! It is just a rough draft so she could let me open it at the shower! Thank you to all that helped with the shower. We are so thankful to have everyone of you in our lives!

Jordan and Sydney's T-Ball Game
My neice and nephew are 18 months apart and play T-Ball on the same team! Jordan is the oldest. April also has Lainey, that is 13 months old! I thought I would share a few pictures of them with you. Jillian is getting so excited to play when she gets big! Andrew is getting excited about working with her! Jordan hit the ball to the fence! He does that all the time! He is going to be a ball player!

Headed for the Bahamas!
Well, after the Garage Sale we headed to Lowe's to return some things we had bought to make repairs on the house. Since it sold too fast we never got a chance to fix them, so we took it back. We rolled in another $300. I was all but jumping up and down! I looked at Andrew and said, "I get to go on a shopping spree!". My excitement was short lived! Andrew is the more level-headed. No, I would never go on a shopping spree that big. But given the opportunity, I am sure I could handle it!
We did go and buy some shorts for Andrew. (Somehow I am still trying to figure that one out!) I had everything packed for the Bahamas, but we are getting everything together today! We are so excited and I cannot wait to get back to show everyone the pictures! We will have access to Lowe's computers down there. I will try to make a post! (That will be funny... me entering in a post on my blog with Andrew beside me sending work emails! I am sure he will frown upon that!)
We have to be at the Hot Springs airport before 5:30 in the morning. We will arrive in the Bahamas around noon. (We have to stop and pick up more people!) They say that cingular phones work there... so if you need us, just try to call!
We love you all,
Julie and Andrew
We did go and buy some shorts for Andrew. (Somehow I am still trying to figure that one out!) I had everything packed for the Bahamas, but we are getting everything together today! We are so excited and I cannot wait to get back to show everyone the pictures! We will have access to Lowe's computers down there. I will try to make a post! (That will be funny... me entering in a post on my blog with Andrew beside me sending work emails! I am sure he will frown upon that!)
We have to be at the Hot Springs airport before 5:30 in the morning. We will arrive in the Bahamas around noon. (We have to stop and pick up more people!) They say that cingular phones work there... so if you need us, just try to call!
We love you all,
Julie and Andrew
Garage Sale! Yeah!
Normally, I would never, never be excited about a garage sale. They are so much work! We worked on this for 3 whole days. When I say whole days, I mean, did not do anything else but work on the garage sale! So, I was exhausted. April had already made plans to go camping, so we decided to have it Friday night from 4-8 and Saturday from 7-11. It was definitely a good plan. People left work, paycheck in hand, and headed right over to our garage sale! Saturday morning we watched the news and it was forcasted to storm all day! We were very worried, but the sun held out for us! April's address is 11 Frontera. Well, 1 Frontera was having a sale too. So we did good until people got to that house first and thought the paper made a mistake. So, of course I am quick thinking and decided to move our sign to the first entrance of the circle not the last!. So, people had to drive by our house to get to the other sale! It is so funny to watch people! Because about 2 minutes after we changed the sign. Sure enough the cars started driving the opposite direction! After that, we did great! Once, Andrew woke up, he grabbed his handy dandy pen and told me I was too proud of a few things! He gave me the Lowe's lecture about where to place certain items and blah, blah, blah! I quickly told him that this wasn't Lowe's and if he wanted it done, DO IT!! That was the first time he heard that in his element!! Then, when people would buy something he would catch them on the way out and mention that we had some other items on the same lines, would they be interested in that? It was fun to see Andrew in his element! April and I got a few laughs out of it too! Also, a few people recognized him from Lowe's!
Soooooooo..... after all the hard work! Our Grand Total was...... $802.00
We were really excited and it revived me in the power of Garage Sale!
Soooooooo..... after all the hard work! Our Grand Total was...... $802.00
We were really excited and it revived me in the power of Garage Sale!
Work, Work, Work... I need rest!
It was my turn to help April on Wednesday, so Jillian and I came here to price all the stuff for the garage sale and get everything thing organized! (Have I mentioned that a few times, because she is MRS. ORGANIZATION, HERSELF! She has made multiple comments about doing this for other people! She is off in the Summer's so... if anyone needs her, call me! She is crazy and loves it!) We worked all day on that.
Thursday, the movers showed up to pack. We all decided that they needed to pack and move. So we did! On Thursday, everything that belonged to 130 Riverside Drive was gone! It was sad, but also exciting.
Friday, we headed to my storage room in town. When, I picked the storage room, I called a ton of places, checked with people, and made sure it was heated and cooled. We show up Friday morning to pick up my stuff... Well, some of the boxes are wet. huh? So then we get to my mattress and box springs. It is wet also. I also had a chair and a half, wet. But some of the stuff is fine that is on the floor. So we look above us and there was a leak from the ceiling, in two spots :( We are working with our insurance company and the storage unit's insurance company to see just who is going to pay for this! (Just my luck!)
Thursday, the movers showed up to pack. We all decided that they needed to pack and move. So we did! On Thursday, everything that belonged to 130 Riverside Drive was gone! It was sad, but also exciting.
Friday, we headed to my storage room in town. When, I picked the storage room, I called a ton of places, checked with people, and made sure it was heated and cooled. We show up Friday morning to pick up my stuff... Well, some of the boxes are wet. huh? So then we get to my mattress and box springs. It is wet also. I also had a chair and a half, wet. But some of the stuff is fine that is on the floor. So we look above us and there was a leak from the ceiling, in two spots :( We are working with our insurance company and the storage unit's insurance company to see just who is going to pay for this! (Just my luck!)
So much to do... not enough time to do it!
Okay, I know that I haven't been blogging here lately. I am sorry! I have not had a computer at all! So, I will fill you in on everything.
My last day of work was June 8th! It was fun but sad! We all left work (which we never do!)to have lunch. Then, we came back to Security Title to have cake and say our goodbyes. We all decided not to say goodbye! It would be too hard! I am excited about the break, but it is still so hard to leave!
That Sunday I had a Wedding Shower. I will make a separate post for that. Then, Monday and Tuesday my sister, April, came over to Andrew's house and tried to kill me! She came over to organize everything for the move. I had a melt down on Andrew Monday, so he drove to Hot Springs Monday night. His friend, TK, brought over his trailer and helped us haul everything off or to April's for the garage sale! Andrew has moved a few times with Lowe's, and just like all men there are boxes of things that have moved a couple of times too! We went through all of them, kept some things, and put others in a pile for a garage sale! When you move with Lowe's you cannot pack everything. There are a bunch of things you must take yourself. Since we are not able to move into our house in Texas until the end of July, we had to keep some stuff out. Andrew and I are really ending and starting new chapters in our lives! We have so much to look forward to. Yet, we are so blessed to have had a past that just so happened to cross!
My last day of work was June 8th! It was fun but sad! We all left work (which we never do!)to have lunch. Then, we came back to Security Title to have cake and say our goodbyes. We all decided not to say goodbye! It would be too hard! I am excited about the break, but it is still so hard to leave!
That Sunday I had a Wedding Shower. I will make a separate post for that. Then, Monday and Tuesday my sister, April, came over to Andrew's house and tried to kill me! She came over to organize everything for the move. I had a melt down on Andrew Monday, so he drove to Hot Springs Monday night. His friend, TK, brought over his trailer and helped us haul everything off or to April's for the garage sale! Andrew has moved a few times with Lowe's, and just like all men there are boxes of things that have moved a couple of times too! We went through all of them, kept some things, and put others in a pile for a garage sale! When you move with Lowe's you cannot pack everything. There are a bunch of things you must take yourself. Since we are not able to move into our house in Texas until the end of July, we had to keep some stuff out. Andrew and I are really ending and starting new chapters in our lives! We have so much to look forward to. Yet, we are so blessed to have had a past that just so happened to cross!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Batesville Shower

Here are a few pictures from the Batesville Shower! Amanda and Jenny gave me a shower in Batesville so we could see our groups from our hometowns! It was May 5th (Andrew's Birthday), and we had all Mexican food to celebrate! It was a wonderful shower! We got so many great things. We had a blast talking to everyone! Thanks for everything! -Julie and Andrew
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Leaving 130 Riverside Drive :(
Well, our lives are so exciting this summer!! We are getting married in Maui July 10th and coming home for a reception on July 21st!! Then, we found out that Andrew earned a trip to the Bahamas through Lowe's. We are going to be taking that vacation June 18-22nd.
So I guess that wasn't enough fun for the summer... We got a call from Lowe's that Andrew was being promoted and transferred. At first, we thought we were going to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma! I was not happy because it was so far away! Then a few days later (on a Tuesday) we got the call that he was transferred to Longview, Texas! That worked a little better for me since my sister, Sandi, lives a little over an hour away!
So... we heard that there are not very many houses in Longview to choose from. We left that weekend and bought a house. We put our Hot Springs house on the market on Monday, May 21st. Jillian and I headed to Texas for Memorial Day. Before Memorial Day even got here, we signed a contract on the house in Hot Springs! It was on the market for 5 days! OHHHHH MYYYYYY GOSHHHHHH! So, we scheduled that for July 2nd so we would have some time to get of of the house!
We just closed on the house in Hallsville (right outside of Longview) on May 29th! We cannot move into the Hallsville house until July 21st! (The present owners are building and requested to stay a little longer!) That was no problem to us! We would be gone most of the time... until...
I got a call from the relocation Team on Monday that we had to be out of the house 10 days before we closed for Relocation reasons. Well, 10 days before July 2nd would put us in the Bahamas. We have no choice but to move before the trip!! So we have to be ready for the packers on June 14th! I am a ball of nerves right now!! What am I going to do for a month and a half without a home????
Everyone that already knows the whole story has been very nice and opened up their homes to us! Thanks to everyone! We might just have to take you up on that offer!!
I am going to post below our new addresses of all kinds!
Mailing address until July 21st- PO Box 8342, Hot Springs Village, AR 71910
Physical Address until July 21st- 45 North Badalona Drive, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909
Email Address-
So I guess that wasn't enough fun for the summer... We got a call from Lowe's that Andrew was being promoted and transferred. At first, we thought we were going to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma! I was not happy because it was so far away! Then a few days later (on a Tuesday) we got the call that he was transferred to Longview, Texas! That worked a little better for me since my sister, Sandi, lives a little over an hour away!
So... we heard that there are not very many houses in Longview to choose from. We left that weekend and bought a house. We put our Hot Springs house on the market on Monday, May 21st. Jillian and I headed to Texas for Memorial Day. Before Memorial Day even got here, we signed a contract on the house in Hot Springs! It was on the market for 5 days! OHHHHH MYYYYYY GOSHHHHHH! So, we scheduled that for July 2nd so we would have some time to get of of the house!
We just closed on the house in Hallsville (right outside of Longview) on May 29th! We cannot move into the Hallsville house until July 21st! (The present owners are building and requested to stay a little longer!) That was no problem to us! We would be gone most of the time... until...
I got a call from the relocation Team on Monday that we had to be out of the house 10 days before we closed for Relocation reasons. Well, 10 days before July 2nd would put us in the Bahamas. We have no choice but to move before the trip!! So we have to be ready for the packers on June 14th! I am a ball of nerves right now!! What am I going to do for a month and a half without a home????
Everyone that already knows the whole story has been very nice and opened up their homes to us! Thanks to everyone! We might just have to take you up on that offer!!
I am going to post below our new addresses of all kinds!
Mailing address until July 21st- PO Box 8342, Hot Springs Village, AR 71910
Physical Address until July 21st- 45 North Badalona Drive, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909
Email Address-
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