We just found out about two weeks ago that we are on the move to Shreveport, Louisiana. This wasn't an expected move. After we got over the huge shock factor, we immediately went into house hunting action. We have been looking and narrowed it down to a couple. None with a pool caught our eye. I am so sad, but a house with a pool is in our future... just not the so near future!
Isn't it funny... when you get married and get your first house together, you are so excited. You want everything to be perfect! Then when you move the second time, you just try to figure out what you don't have to pick up and carry with you this time!! It is amazing what can accumulate in one year! No, not 13 months, exactly one year!!
Did I ever mention that I hate garage sales... well, I do! But, we have to have one. I am going to put my happy face on and do the duty! This is going to be the mother of all garage sales! It is going to have furniture, baby gear, clothes, decor, and most of all... junk! Hope someone else thinks of it as treasure!
As far as moving, Jillian couldn't be any happier! When we were looking at the houses she made a comment that one living room was, "the most beautiful thing she had ever seen"!! (Note: It was the only one with one of those huge swing sets!)
Andrew would have already been somewhere if he could have. He thinks the drive to Shreveport has become longer since he found out he is there for good! I think I am the only one trying to hold on to my newly formed roots! But I am excited about the decorating part!!
Jillian is already in Pre-K there (we have to call it Pre-K, not preschool.) We also found a place for her to take gymnastics. She is on the road ready to fly! The big thing left is a house! So, please say some house prayers for us! (Make sure you specify, "house", not "hotel"! I really don't want to have to do that again!!) Good night! By the way, just be okay with the lack of blogging! It isn't going to change anytime soon!!
I can't believe you guys are moving again!! You were so close for a year and we never got together... dang! Well, lesson learned there. I'm so happy for you guys and know this move will be great for all of you. Keep us posted. Good luck with the garage sale... I don't envy you.
Moving again already?? I can't believe you guys are leaving Texas so soon and we never made an effort to get together... lesson learned there! I'm sure this move will be great for all of you. I don't envy your job of holding a garage sale. Good luck with that! Keep us posted on the move.
I normally don't post twice - okay three times - on the same message. I didn't think it worked the first time. Sorry about that!
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