Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Long time... no post!

It has been a while from my last post. We have all been crazy busy! So, I am going to give an update on all of us.
Andrew has been really busy with his job. Late last year he got a new boss,and he is adjusting to him. Andrew has a new manager in one of his stores. He is going to be spending a large amount of time there to get him on the right track. He has a store in Monroe, Louisiana. It is about 3 hours away. He spends the night there about 3 times a month. As of today, Andrew is in Las Vegas at the National Sales Meeting! He is having fun, but did say he was ready to get home! The Spring season is upon us, so that means lots of hours in a Lowe's store for him. Spring is their biggest time of the year.
Jillian is getting so tall! Her face hasn't changed much, but I am having the hardest time with pants this year! They stop at her ankles to fit her waist, and they show her panties if they fit her length. I have decided that I would much rather see her ankles then her panties!! She is loving PREP school, and learning so much. It is amazing how good she can draw! She includes so much detail. Coloring in the lines is still a huge effort! She has been practicing on writing her ABC's. She can write her own name, and with help can write others! This Fall, she will begin going to PREP everyday. I wanted her to get familiar with getting ready and being away from home before she starts kindergarten. She is ready for summer and wants a horse for her birthday... A REAL ONE!! Good luck!! Andrew and I will be in Jackson, MS the day of her birthday. Andrew is in a wedding the 17th. (This will be the first birthday I miss:()Jillian wants to have a pool party, so we are going to have it in June. That might work out better for the pool to be a little warmer!
I am busy trying to get my photography business started. I have been so blessed. It really has kept me busy, and I love every minute of it. I cannot wait for warm weather so I can start taking pictures outside. I am going to a workshop for a week in April at College Station. I cannot wait to learn more! I am also ready for summer! I would even just take a few warm days to be able to sit by the pool!Of course I already have just about every weekend booked full of stuff until the last week of June!
I guess this has updated everyone for a while! I will try to keep up the pictures!

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