Sunday, June 17, 2007

So much to do... not enough time to do it!

Okay, I know that I haven't been blogging here lately. I am sorry! I have not had a computer at all! So, I will fill you in on everything.

My last day of work was June 8th! It was fun but sad! We all left work (which we never do!)to have lunch. Then, we came back to Security Title to have cake and say our goodbyes. We all decided not to say goodbye! It would be too hard! I am excited about the break, but it is still so hard to leave!

That Sunday I had a Wedding Shower. I will make a separate post for that. Then, Monday and Tuesday my sister, April, came over to Andrew's house and tried to kill me! She came over to organize everything for the move. I had a melt down on Andrew Monday, so he drove to Hot Springs Monday night. His friend, TK, brought over his trailer and helped us haul everything off or to April's for the garage sale! Andrew has moved a few times with Lowe's, and just like all men there are boxes of things that have moved a couple of times too! We went through all of them, kept some things, and put others in a pile for a garage sale! When you move with Lowe's you cannot pack everything. There are a bunch of things you must take yourself. Since we are not able to move into our house in Texas until the end of July, we had to keep some stuff out. Andrew and I are really ending and starting new chapters in our lives! We have so much to look forward to. Yet, we are so blessed to have had a past that just so happened to cross!

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